Étiqueté : children

UK silence on Israel’s detention of Palestinian children 0

UK silence on Israel’s detention of Palestinian children

In 2012, a report by a UK government-sponsored delegation of lawyers to Israel and the occupied Palestinian territories found Israel’s treatment of Palestinian children in military detention to be in breach of the Fourth Geneva Convention and the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. Six years on, however, and Israel has made only…


Lost in a mistaken plan: Australia’s ‘stolen’ youngsters

The experience of having her four children, including her 15-month-old son, removed from her care by authorities over a seven-year period, is still painfully raw for Helen Eason, an indigenous Australian woman. « They take your young from you and you have so many taken, you are not whole, » she says. « Even when they come home, as…


UN: Two million teenagers threat starvation in DRC

Over two million children in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) are at risk of starvation if they do not receive the aid they need, the UN has warned. The comments come in advance of a meeting between Mark Lowcock, the UN humanitarian chief, and potential donors willing to commit aid money to help the country in…


UNICEF: One million children die the day they’re born

One million children die on the day they are born every year, with another 1.6 million unable to survive past the first month, the UN’s children’s agency said in a new report. Newborns in Pakistan, Central African Republic (CAR) and Afghanistan have the least chance of survival, according to the UNICEF report launched on Tuesday.…


CAR violence rises: ‘They shot my teens and husband’

Paoua, Central African Republic – When rebels attacked her village, Delphine Lokaingoto was still too weak from childbirth to lift more than one of her children at a time. As she snatched up her four-day-old baby, she told the others – aged three, four and six – to run to the fields. « Some of the…


Saudi-led coalition killed Sixty eight children in Yemen: UN

The Saudi-led coalition that is fighting Houthi rebels in Yemen is responsible for the deaths of scores of children since last summer, a United Nations report says. Al Jazeera obtained excerpts from the confidential report by the UN Office on Children and Armed Conflict, which was sent to the UN Security Council on January 19.…


UN urges instant evacuation of 137 Syrian young folks

The UN children’s agency has called for the immediate evacuation of scores of sick Syrian children from a besieged rebel-held enclave on the outskirts of Damascus amid continued violence. Five children in Eastern Ghouta have reportedly died, while 137 others require immediate medical assistance, UNICEF said in a statement on Sunday. The children, aged seven-months to 17-years, are unable to…


The Philippines: when the police assassinate kids

Manila, Philippines – His parents named him Reynaldo de Guzman, but everyone knew him as Kulot (Curly) on account of his hair. Kulot grew up in Anak Pawis (Child of Sweat), a district by the banks of Manila’s largest floodway. Here, homes made of cardboard and bamboo vie for space with partially constructed concrete apartments. During…