Étiqueté : challenge

Non-Muslim ladies people decide on Ramadan hijab concern 0

Non-Muslim ladies people decide on Ramadan hijab concern

Grace Lloyd got a round of applause when she walked into her classroom at Doha’s Gulf English School on the first day of Ramadan, wearing a black hijab with her blue uniform. The shy 11-year-old flushed as her fellow grade seven classmates in the Qatari capital clapped and cheered for her earlier this month. Lloyd,…


Kashmiris turn to art to danger Indian rule

Srinagar, Indian-administered Kashmir – Kashmir has a rich tradition of artisan culture. Intricate woodcarvings, colourful papier-mache and exquisite cashmere scarfs made the Himalayan valley renowned for its fine handcrafts. Cashmere scarfs are usually embroidered with flowers and birds, but the artists Mahum Shabir and Mir Suhail wanted to challenge conventional representations of Kashmir and its crafts…