Étiqueté : Catalan


Thousands march in Barcelona for jailed Catalan leaders

Hundreds of thousands of protesters in Barcelona have taken part in a large demonstration against the imprisonment of Catalan leaders. According to local media reports, 900 buses arrived in the city on Sunday morning carrying the protesters from all over Catalonia and cities in southern France. The demonstrators were protesting the jailing of nine Catalan…


Tabarnia: A no longer-so-humorous joke on Catalan democracy

The December 21 election in Catalonia produced some striking results and accentuated the deepening polarisation in the region. In the middle of what the pro-independence camp called a « Spanish occupation », with the region’s autonomy practically repealed, the Catalan President Carles Puigdemont forced into self-exile in Belgium and some Catalan legislators sent to prison, those who…


Spain to dam Puigdemont as Catalan president

Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy asked the Constitutional Court to block the nomination of former Catalan regional President Carles Puigdemont to resume his post on Friday. The move comes after the Spanish government’s Council of Ministers, headed by Rajoy, announced late Thursday night it will attempt to block the nomination. Puigdemont was president of Catalonia’s regional…


Interpreting the Catalan elections

The challenge of assessing the outcome of yesterday’s regional elections in Catalonia is that several actors in this crisis can claim different forms of victory – and are doing so – from different frames (majority in terms of seats neglecting share of votes, etc.). This, uncertainty and a strong component of post-truth politics in the…