Étiqueté : camps


Why are aged FARC rebels leaving reintegration camps?

El Estrecho, Colombia – For more than 35 years, Blanca Ducuara Gomez lived in Colombia’s mountains, patrolling the countryside as a member of the country’s largest rebel group, the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC). But today she lives in a FARC disarmament camp (also known as reintegration areas) in the southern state of Cauca,…


Thousands displaced by Boko Haram languish in Abuja IDP camps

Abuja, Nigeria – It’s a few minutes past 9am and Sunana Ibrahim Wariga’s daily struggle is just beginning. Wariga, a stocky 56-year old, is one of thousands who call Durumi camp in the capital home. He escaped the deadly Boko Haram rebellion in his home state of Borno more than three years ago. « I used…

Bangladesh: Trafficking of girls rife in Rohingya camps 0

Bangladesh: Trafficking of girls rife in Rohingya camps

Noyona Katun, a Rohingya refugee from Myanmar, said her daughter Yasmin was 13 years old when she was snatched by a man in the Kutupalong Refugee Camp in southern Bangladesh and smuggled to India. That was three years ago. Noyona and Yasmin fled a military crackdown in Myanmar in 2012. Noyona said the trafficker was…


UN authentic: Rohingya camps at likelihood of degradation

Humanitarian conditions in camps hosting Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh are set to worsen in the next few months, a human rights investigator has told Al Jazeera, while also raising concerns about a plan to repatriate the fleeing minority back to Myanmar. In an interview from Balukhali refugee camp in Cox’s Bazar, Yanghee Lee, a UN special rapporteur who…