Étiqueté : battles


Martin Luther King and the battles that outlived him

April 4 marks the fiftieth anniversary of the assassination of Dr Martin Luther King, Jr. Although five full decades have passed since the American civil rights leader was martyred in 1968, his words are just as relevant today, if not more relevant than ever in the age of Donald Trump. King was prophetic in his assessment…


Croatia’s anti-fascist soccer membership battles a long way ethical

Zagreb, Croatia – After a 90-minute football practice, Goran Malic tends to his beer in a crowded bar on a Friday night. As a member of Zagreb 041, Croatia’s only explicitly anti-fascist football club, he recounts a lengthy history of far-right threats and a handful of attacks on the club’s members. « Sometimes it was threats,…


Kashmiri properties turn into collateral harm in gun battles

Shopian, Indian-administered Kashmir – As he walks through the ruins of his home, Abdul Ahad Bhat keeps returning to his cow. He sidesteps the rubble of the fallen ceiling, points at the burned out frames of the windows, and feels with his fingers the bullet holes on the walls, but it is the image of…