Étiqueté : al-Assad


Why is Bashar Al-Assad quiet in strength?

Syria’s President Bashar al-Assad has survived seven years of a devastating war and intense international pressure to step aside. While Saturday’s US-led air strikes on Syrian government facilities will be a blow to his attempts to unify Syria under his rule, there’s been little suggestion that they are aimed at ending his presidency. After rapid…


Why enact Italian fascists love Syria’s Bashar al-Assad?

Rome, Italy – Six and a half years into the ongoing bloodshed in Syria, General Issam Zahreddine, infamous for overseeing the suffocating three-year siege of Deir Az Zor, was killed by a landmine. He died in October 2017, when his vehicle hit an explosive in Hawija Saqr during the government’s military campaign against the Islamic State…