Étiqueté : agreement’

Syria declares Yarmouk camp evacuation agreement 0

Syria declares Yarmouk camp evacuation agreement

The Syrian government has reached an evacuation deal with fighters from Hay’et Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) to leave the Yarmouk refugee camp in southern Damascus. The official SANA news agency announced on Monday that the fighters and their families, numbering about 5,000, would be evacuated in two stages, the first of which would see 1,500 people…


African leaders imprint continental free alternate agreement

African leaders have signed an agreement to set up a massive free trade area to improve regional integration and and boost economic growth across the continent. The deal to create the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) was signed at an extraordinary summit in Kigali, Rwanda by r epresentatives of 44 of the 55 African Union (AU)…


Eastern Ghouta shelled despite ‘truce agreement’

Syrian government forces have shelled a rebel-held enclave near the capital Damascus, according to a monitor, despite the announcement of a truce a day earlier. The UK-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) said the towns of Douma and Arbin in Eastern Ghouta were targeted on Wednesday with artillery shells. At least one person was killed in…