Étiqueté : agenda


Gulf disaster no longer on Arab summit agenda: Qatar

The ongoing Gulf crisis will not be on the agenda of the Arab League summit planned in Riyadh in mid-April, a spokesperson for the Qatari foreign ministry said. In statements to the Turkish state-run news agency Anadolu on Saturday, spokesperson Lolwah al-Khater said Qatar had received an official invitation from Arab League Secretary-General Ahmed Abul-Gheit…


Stare in Mueller probe ‘aided UAE agenda in US Congress’

A top fundraiser for President Donald Trump received millions of dollars from a political adviser to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) last April, just weeks before he began handing out a series of large political donations to US lawmakers considering legislation targeting Qatar, the UAE’s chief rival in the Gulf, an Associated Press (AP) investigation…


AIPAC to resume commitment to come Israeli agenda

Washington, DC – The American Israeli Public Affairs Committee, or AIPAC, is holding its 2018 policy conference in Washington, DC, on Sunday, an event meant to underscore its outsized influence inside America’s corridors of power by hosting key Congressional leaders; the US vice president; the US ambassador to the UN; and several foreign leaders. This year’s…


Jewel Howard-Taylor on warfare, Weah and her agenda

Monrovia, Liberia – As the ex-wife of Charles Taylor – a man serving a 50-year prison sentence for crimes against humanity, Jewel Howard-Taylor seems an unlikely choice of running mate in Liberia’s presidential election for football star-turned-politician, George Weah. However, this is the ticket which attracted the highest number of votes in October’s first round.…


Saudi women scholars name out prince’s reform agenda

Leading female scholars from Saudi Arabia have described moves to ease restrictions on women as government spin aimed at an international audience to bolster support for efforts to liberalise its ailing economy. The Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman is seeking to appeal to western governments as a reformist while cracking down on the very…


Honduras election: Women folk’s rights place on the agenda

Lucia Vijil pounds out a flurry of tweets directed at Honduras’ leading presidential candidates, pressuring them to make specific proposals on women’s rights. It’s more than clicktivism, she says. Vijil is one of hundreds of feminist activists with a clear message for politicians ahead of Sunday’s election: Honduran women won’t vote for candidates who ignore…