Étiqueté : Africa’s


Cyril Ramaphosa sworn in as South Africa’s president

Cyril Ramaphosa, head of the ruling African National Congress (ANC), has been sworn in as South Africa’s president, fewer than 24 hours after the resignation of embattled ex-leader Jacob Zuma. « I will try very hard not to disappoint the people of South Africa, » Ramaphosa said on Thursday as he ended his speech to parliament, shortly…


To discontinuance migration, discontinuance the abuse of Africa’s resources

On January 17, Italy’s parliament approved the deployment of up to 470 troops in Niger to combat « irregular migrant flows » and the trafficking of people towards Libya, and, from there, to Europe. A number of other European countries are pursuing similar policies, including France, Germany, and Spain. These policies have been preceded, in recent years…


Jacob Zuma resigns as South Africa’s president

Durban, South Africa – Jacob Zuma, South Africa’s embattled and controversial president, has announced his resignation in a televised address to the nation.  « I have to come to decision to resign with immediate effect, » he said late on Wednesday in Pretoria. Zuma’s resignation followed weeks of intense public pressure to step down amid longstanding corruption…


What can we demand from South Africa’s ANC conference?

These days, South Africa’s media seem to be reporting continuously on a single subject: the governing ANC’s 54th national conference that is expected to be held in Johannesburg from December 16 to 20. The coverage of the upcoming conference is mostly focused on what journalists simply call « the race », referring to the election of a…