Catégorie : Actualités et Infos

Labour demands government apology for controversial NHS restructuring 0

Labour demands government apology for controversial NHS restructuring

Labour has called on the government to apologise for the major reorganisation of the NHS that the Conservatives carried out as part of the coalition government. Jonathan Ashworth, the shadow health secretary, demanded Jeremy Hunt, the health secretary, say sorry for the “ludicrous and dangerous” reforms, which he said amounted to a “shameful, failed experiment”.…

Recriminations postponed as England revival masks dire day at Lord’s 0

Recriminations postponed as England revival masks dire day at Lord’s

At around 3.30pm on Saturday afternoon, a fair few people in England cricket were sitting mightily uncomfortably. It wasn’t just the fourth-day ticket-holders. It was the coaches who can demonstrate little progress from their players, the administrators whose policies are looking more self-defeating by the day and the team who had been completely out-played in…

Backchannel with ‘Dracula’ helped free Utah man in Venezuela 0

Backchannel with ‘Dracula’ helped free Utah man in Venezuela

WASHINGTON (AP) — A secret backchannel led by a veteran Republican Senate staffer and a flamboyant Venezuelan official nicknamed « Dracula » broke through hostile relations between the two governments to secure the release of American prisoner Joshua Holt, who traveled to the South American country for love and ended up in jail, without a trial, for…

Colombia elections: What it’s essential to know 0

Colombia elections: What it’s essential to know

Colombians will head to the polls on Sunday to vote in the country’s first presidential election since a controversial peace deal between the government and FARC rebels in 2016. The campaign has been dominated by a battle between two candidates and the vote is expected to reflect the social polarisation that the historic agreement created. Despite the…

Champions-League-Finale: Staunch Madrid siegt gegen den FC Liverpool 0

Champions-League-Finale: Staunch Madrid siegt gegen den FC Liverpool

Real Madrid hat die Champions League gewonnen. Das Team von Zinédine Zidane konnte sich in einem dramatischen Endspiel in Kiew mit 3:1 (0:0) gegen den FC Liverpool durchsetzen – und holte so zum dritten Mal in Folge den Club-Titel. Für den FC Liverpool unter Trainer Jürgen Klopp lief vieles schief: Zunächst musste der Stürmer Mohamed…

Bitcoin unruffled a steal despite most modern losses says blockchain enterprise capitalist. For that reason. 0

Bitcoin unruffled a steal despite most modern losses says blockchain enterprise capitalist. For that reason.

Bitcoin is still a buy despite its continued losses, blockchain venture capitalist Spencer Bogart told CNBC. The digital currency’s increased number of use cases is proof that the popular form of money is being institutionalized. « Every major bank is trying to do something in the space, » Bogart, a partner at Blockchain Capital, told CNBC’s « Fast…

Mum’s “maternal drive” to protect alive after fancy rat ex sabotaged her parachute 0

Mum’s « maternal drive » to protect alive after fancy rat ex sabotaged her parachute

‘},t.default=m},function(e,t,n){« use strict »;Object.defineProperty(t, »__esModule »,{value:!0});var r,o=(r=n(142))&&r.__esModule?r:{default:r};t.default=o.default},function(e,t,n){« use strict »;e.exports= »SECRET_DO_NOT_PASS_THIS_OR_YOU_WILL_BE_FIRED »},function(e,t,n){« use strict »;e.exports=function(e,t,n,r,o,i,a,u){if(!e){var l;if(void 0===t)l=new Error(« Minified exception occurred; use the non-minified dev environment for the full error message and additional helpful warnings. »);else{var s=[n,r,o,i,a,u],c=0;(l=new Error(t.replace(/%s/g,function(){return s[c++]}))).name= »Invariant Violation »}throw l.framesToPop=1,l}}},function(e,t,n){« use strict »;var r=n(47),o=n(145),i=n(144);e.exports=function(){function e(e,t,n,r,a,u){u!==i&&o(!1, »Calling PropTypes validators directly is not supported by the `prop-types` package. Use PropTypes.checkPropTypes() to call them. Read more at »)}function t(){return e}e.isRequired=e;var n={array:e,bool:e,func:e,number:e,object:e,string:e,symbol:e,any:e,arrayOf:t,element:e,instanceOf:t,node:e,objectOf:t,oneOf:t,oneOfType:t,shape:t,exact:t};return n.checkPropTypes=r,n.PropTypes=n,n}},function(e,t,n){var…

Jeff Bezos publicizes Amazon is selecting up ‘The Expanse’ 0

Jeff Bezos publicizes Amazon is selecting up ‘The Expanse’

It’s been a few days since reports indicated Amazon was close to a deal that would extend the life of sci-fi series The Expanse, and tonight at a National Space Society event Jeff Bezos made it official. Alcon Entertainment makes the show, which is currently airing season three on Syfy, and said in a statement:…

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