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UN Jerusalem resolution: How every nation voted


The United Nations has voted by a mammoth majority to present a proof for a unilateral US recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital « null and void ».

At an emergency session of the physique’s General Assembly on Thursday, 128 worldwide locations voted in favour of a resolution rejecting US President Donald Trump’s controversial resolution on December 6.

Nine worldwide locations voted against, while 35 abstained.

Trump had earlier threatened to lower support to UN members who would vote against his resolution.

Right here’s a nation breakdown of the General Assembly vote:

Member states that voted in favour of the resolution

A: Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, Andorra, Angola, Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan

B: Bahrain, Bangladesh, Barbados, Belarus, Belgium, Belize, Bolivia, Botswana, Brazil, Brunei, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Burundi

C: Cabo Verde, Cambodia, Chad, Chile, China, Comoros, Congo, Costa Rica, Cote d’Ivoire, Cuba, Cyprus, Democratic Folk’s Republic of Korea (North Korea), Denmark, Djibouti, Dominica

E: Ecuador, Egypt, Eritrea, Estonia, Ethiopia

F: Finland, France

G: Gabon, Gambia, Germany, Ghana, Greece, Grenada, Guinea, Guyana

I: Iceland, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Eire, Italy

J: Japan, Jordan

Okay: Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan

L: Laos, Lebanon, Liberia, Libya, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg

M:Madagascar, Malaysia, Maldives, Mali, Malta, Mauritania, Mauritius, Monaco, Montenegro, Morocco, Mozambique

N: Namibia, Nepal, Netherlands, Fresh Zealand, Nicaragua, Niger, Nigeria, Norway

O: Oman

P: Pakistan, Papua Fresh Guinea, Peru, Portugal

Q: Qatar

R: Republic of Korea (South Korea), Russia

S: Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Serbia, Seychelles, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, Somalia, South Africa, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Suriname, Sweden, Switzerland, Syria

T: Tajikistan, Thailand, The Mild Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Tunisia, Turkey

U: United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United Republic of Tanzania, Uruguay, Uzbekistan

V: Venezuela, Vietnam

Y: Yemen

Z: Zimbabwe

Member states that voted against the resolution

G: Guatemala

H: Honduras

I: Israel

M: Marshall Islands, Micronesia

N: Nauru

P: Palau

T: Togo

U: United States

Member states that abstained

A: Antigua-Barbuda, Argentina, Australia

B: Bahamas, Benin, Bhutan, Bosnia-Herzegovina

C: Cameroon, Canada, Colombia, Croatia, Czech Republic

D: Dominican Republic

E: Equatorial Guinea

F: Fiji

H: Haiti, Hungary

J: Jamaica

Okay: Kiribati

L: Latvia, Lesotho

M:  Malawi, Mexico

P: Panama, Paraguay, Philippines, Poland

R: Romania, Rwanda

S: Solomon Islands, South Sudan

T: Trinidad-Tobago, Tuvalu

U: Uganda

V: Vanuatu

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