Étiqueté : Yemen’s

US hits Iran IRGC with sanctions over make stronger of Yemen’s Houthis 0

US hits Iran IRGC with sanctions over make stronger of Yemen’s Houthis

The US has imposed new sanctions against officials of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard for allegedly providing ballistic missile-related expertise to armed Houthi rebels in Yemen. The actions of five Iranians have enabled the Houthis to launch missiles at cities and oil infrastructure in Saudi Arabia, the US Department of Treasury said in a statement on Tuesday. What…

UAE forces ‘bewitch’ sea and airports on Yemen’s Socotra 0

UAE forces ‘bewitch’ sea and airports on Yemen’s Socotra

United Arab Emirates forces have occupied sea and airports on Yemen’s remote island of Socotra, a day after deploying four military craft and more than 100 troops there, according to a Yemeni government official. Condemning the move as an « act of aggression », the official said UAE soldiers also blocked Ahmed Obeid bin Daghr, Yemen’s prime minister, and…

What does the death of Saleh al-Sammad point out for Yemen’s Houthis? 0

What does the death of Saleh al-Sammad point out for Yemen’s Houthis?

The killing of Saleh al-Sammad has dealt a heavy blow to Yemen’s Houthi rebels, analysts have said, warning that it risks raising the spectre of further instability in the war-ravaged country. The rebels officially confirmed the death of their « president » on Monday, saying he was assasinated four days earlier along with six of his bodyguards in…


Arab coalition accused of undermining Yemen’s sovereignty

A former Yemeni minister of state has said that the Saudi-led coalition has deviated from its objectives, adding that the sovereign Yemeni decision has been taken away from the people. Salah al-Sayadi’s statement followed his resignation on Wednesday and came just days after he said that Yemeni President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi was under house arrest in the Saudi capital,…


Deadly suicide vehicle bombings hit Yemen’s Aden

Dozens of people have been killed or wounded in two suicide car bombings in the southern Yemeni port city of Aden, witnesses and local medics say. Saturday’s attack occurred outside the gate of a counterterrorism camp in the city’s southwest, according to the witnesses. The sources said the blasts caused civilian and military casualties. Officials…


Saudi and UAE switch to total stand-off in Yemen’s Aden

Saudi Arabia and the UAE have called on Yemeni government fighters and southern secessionists to focus their efforts on fighting Houthi rebels, in an apparent attempt to end a standoff between the two sides in Aden. Emirati-backed separatists took over large parts of the southern port city earlier this week, including military bases, but stopped…


Yemen’s sophisticated battle obliging obtained extra sophisticated

Yemen’s southern coastal city of Aden has been gripped by days of fighting after armed separatist forces – backed by the United Arab Emirates (UAE) – moved against the internationally recognised government. Fighters from the Southern Resistance Forces (SRF), the armed wing of the Southern Transitional Council (STC) – a political movement demanding secession for southern Yemen…


UAE-backed community vows to ‘overthrow’ Yemen’s authorities

A group of South Yemen separatists, backed by the United Arab Emirates (UAE), have declared a state of emergency in the port city of Aden and vowed to overthrow the country’s internationally recognised government within the next week. Aidarous al-Zubaidi, the leader of the Southern Transitional Council (STC), said Yemen’s parliament would be barred from…


Ali Abdullah Saleh’s assassination and Yemen’s tribes

German sociologist Max Weber’s highly cited definition of the modern state as a « community that (successfully) claims the monopoly of the legitimate use of physical force within a given territory » does not fit well with the case of Yemen.  In North Yemen, some tribes have enjoyed autonomous political and military power since the start of the civil…


After al-Qaeda: No signs of restoration in Yemen’s Mukalla

Burned-out cars, rusted bullet casings and debris from levelled buildings line the narrow winding streets of Mukalla, a jarring reminder of the intense fighting that ravaged the seaport nearly three years ago. In a blitzkrieg similar to when the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant surged across Syria and Iraq, hundreds of fighters from…