Étiqueté : Tillerson


UAE adviser lobbied Trump to oust Tillerson: NYT

George Nader, a political adviser to the United Arab Emirates (UAE), worked for over a year to transform one of the largest donors to Donald Trump’s presidential campaign, into a tool of influence for Saudi Arabia and the UAE, according to the New York Times.  The newspaper revealed in a report published on Wednesday that George Nader, a Lebanese-American, offered Eliott…


Emails prove UAE-linked lobbying effort to oust Tillerson: reviews

Leaked emails show that a businessman with ties to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) tried to convince US President Donald Trump to fire Secretary of State Rex Tillerson for not supporting the UAE-backed blockade of Qatar, the BBC reported.  According to the emails, which were obtained by the news outlet, Elliott Broidy, who is also…


US working ‘to repair’ Iran nuclear deal: Tillerson

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson says the United States is working on a plan « to fix » the Iran nuclear deal as speculation continues on whether President Donald Trump will scrap the historic agreement.   Changes to American law codifying US participation in the 2015 agreement could come as early as next week as US officials…