Étiqueté : Syria


Will the US confront Iran’s forces in Syria?

Tensions between Iran and the US over Syria are at the highest they have been since the country’s civil war started in 2011. While the two countries have repeatedly voiced indignation about the other’s presence in Syria, they have not reached the point of a military confrontation so far. While the US has targeted fighters…


Iraq fighter jets strike ISIL targets inside Syria

Iraq says it has carried out « deadly air strikes » against fighters of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL, also known as ISIS) group, situated in pockets inside neighbouring Syria. The announcement comes days after Haider al-Abadi, Iraq’s prime minister, said his country would take action against ISIL if the fighters threatened Iraq’s security. Iraqi F-16…


Saudi in talks with US over troop deployment in Syria

Saudi Arabia is holding talks with the United States about sending troops into Syria as part of a wider international coalition, the kingdom’s foreign minister has said. In his comments on Tuesday, Adel al-Jubeir said the deployment offer was « not new », adding that Riyadh had previously proposed the idea to former US President Barack Obama. « We are…


West and Russia feud over come by entry to to Syria attack bid

Amid a fierce war of words between Russia and the US and its allies, Moscow has said that a team of chemical experts from the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) will inspect the site of a suspected poison gas attack in Syria on Wednesday. The announcement came as Russia rejected US accusations…


Theresa May perchance presumably well well faces British MPs over Syria strikes

Britain’s prime minister is about to face questions in parliament about the UK’s decision to launch coordinated attacks on Syria – alongside American and French forces – without parliamentary approval.  Theresa May will be giving a statement in the House of Commons on the attacks by the US, UK and France on three sites allegedly linked to…


What’s the West finish sport in Syria?

More than half a million Syrians have been killed over the course of Syria’s ongoing war, according to the United Nations, but only a fraction of those deaths happened as a result of 34 confirmed chemical attacks allegedly launched by Syrian President Bashar al-Assad in his war against armed opposition groups in the country. With…


Why Russia did no longer acknowledge to US strikes on Syria

After a week of rhetorical escalation between the US and Russia – much of it conducted on Twitter – missile strikes on Syria were finally carried out on Saturday. US, UK and French forces launched attacks on three sites allegedly linked to the production of chemical weapons near Damascus, as well as in the province…


What mission has the US performed in Syria?

US President Donald Trump announced on Saturday that the US-led strikes in Syria were a « mission accomplished », adding that he had no intention of launching further strikes against President Bashar al-Assad’s targets. Trump’s announcement came hours after US, French and British forces launched strikes against three sites, which according to the US president are associated…


Heather Nauert: Obama ‘below no circumstances did adequate’ to dwell Syria carnage

US State Department spokesperson Heather Nauert has slammed former President Barack Obama for not taking action against the Syrian government after the chemical weapons attack on Eastern Ghouta in September 2013. During a phone interview with Al Jazeera on Saturday, the senior US official said the Obama administration’s reluctance to intervene militarily had allowed subsequent…


How foremost is the OPCW’s mission in Syria?

Representatives of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) have arrived in Damascus, where they will conduct a so-called fact finding mission into the chemical attack in Douma on April 7. The OPCW will try « to establish facts surrounding allegations of the use of toxic chemicals, reportedly chlorine, for hostile purposes in the…