Étiqueté : rises

Zimbabwe’s crocodile commercial rises against the tide 0

Zimbabwe’s crocodile commercial rises against the tide

Binga, Zimbabwe – Basking in Zimbabwe’s northern Zambezi Valley, the nile crocodile, Africa’s largest freshwater predator, is naturally at ease in this hot and humid habitat. The country’s reptile farmers, however, are less comfortable, amid increasing regional competition and ongoing challenges to get their products to market. They say they need more swift government reforms if the…


Iran’s Khamenei blames ‘enemies’ as loss of life toll rises

Iran’s supreme leader has blamed external « enemies » for heightening turmoil in the country, as the death toll in ongoing nationwide anti-government rallies has passed 20. The comments by Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Iran’s top authority, on Tuesday were his first public remarks since protests broke out last week. At least eight people were killed overnight, according…


Israeli abuse in opposition to Palestinian minors rises: picture

Bethlehem, occupied West Bank – Fadel Tamimi feared for the worst as he rushed into the hospital. His 15-year-old son, Mohammed, had just been brought there after being shot point-blank in the face by Israeli forces, during last week’s protests in Nabi Saleh. « I met him at the hospital after he was injured. My wife fainted three…