Étiqueté : protesting


Why are teachers in Oklahoma and Kentucky protesting?

Teachers in the US states of Oklahoma and Kentucky are protesting on Monday over a range of issues from funding to benefits.  In Oklahoma, teachers are walking out of the classroom to call for better funding and salaries.  « We’ve all heard stories from students, parents, and teachers affected by eleven years of cuts to our…


#SavePirin: Why are Bulgarians protesting?

Thousands of Bulgarians have braved subzero temperatures in some 20 cities across the country to protest against a government decision to amend the management plan of a major national park. The rallies on Thursday were the latest in a number of demonstrations held this month opposing the expansion of the Bansko skiing resort in Pirin…


Why are Tunisians protesting?

Today marks the seventh anniversary of the fall of Tunisia’s dictator Zine El Abidine Ben Ali. But instead of celebrating, Tunisians are out in the streets again. What went wrong? The dictatorship established in the 1950s, which morphed into a police state in the later decades, banned politics and pushed citizens away from their country’s…


Why are folks protesting in Iran?

Tensions are high in Iran as hundreds of people protest in multiple cities against the government’s economic policies. About 300 people protested in Kermanshah, a city in western Iran, on Friday, according to the semi-state news agency Fars. Police there used water cannon and tear gas to disperse demonstrators. Protests also broke out in the capital Tehran,…