Étiqueté : planned


DRC blocks web as anti-Kabila protests deliberate

The Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) has ordered a countrywide shutdown of internet and SMS services ahead of planned anti-government protests on Sunday. The country’s telecommunications minister, Emery Okundji, issued a letter instructing operators to suspend their services at 18:00 local time (17:00 GMT) on Saturday until further notice, citing « state security » reasons.  The move…


Will the GCC summit be held subsequent month as planned?

A prominent Kuwaiti journalist has said that the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) summit will be held on schedule next month with Qatar’s participation, despite increasing indicators that the annual meeting will be postponed due to the regional diplomatic crisis.  In an interview with the German Deutsche Welle (DW) broadcaster on Friday, Ahmed al-Jarallah, who has close ties…