Étiqueté : Peace’

Libya peace talks: More of the identical? 0

Libya peace talks: More of the identical?

A « historic » moment. That’s how French President Emmanuel Macron described a summit on Tuesday between Libya’s rival factions aimed at bringing peace and stability after nearly seven years of turmoil. Meeting in Paris at Macron’s behest, leaders from the rival Tripoli and Tobruk-based parliaments agreed to hold elections later this year. But as cameras flashed…

Senegal’s females-flee radio stations broadcast for peace 0

Senegal’s females-flee radio stations broadcast for peace

Ziguinchor, Senegal – On a hot, steamy day in Ziguinchor, a small coastal city in Senegal’s southern Casamance region, 31-year-old Marie Leocadie Coly walks into a recording studio, turns on the fan and puts on her headphones. At the sign of the producer sitting behind the glass window, Coly begins to speak into the microphone.…

Israel and Palestine in 2018: Decolonisation, no longer peace 0

Israel and Palestine in 2018: Decolonisation, no longer peace

The founders of the state of Israel were mainly people who settled in Palestine in the very beginning of the 20th century. They came mostly from Eastern Europe, inspired by romantic national ideologies rampant in their home countries, disappointed by their inability to assimilate into these new nationalist movements and excited by the prospects of modern-day…

Bridging the divide: Cyprus choir spreads message of peace 0

Bridging the divide: Cyprus choir spreads message of peace

Nicosia, Cyprus – Costas Kyranides was a young psychologist in the mid-1990s when he started exhibiting symptoms of what he terms « political schizophrenia ». A Greek Cypriot born on the divided Mediterranean island, Kyranides had grown up embracing the values of solidarity and respect for others. But a battle of principles was brewing inside of him.…

The struggles of Myanmar’s peace job 0

The struggles of Myanmar’s peace job

Myanmar’s peace process with ethnic minority groups appears to be floundering because of a deteriorating relationship between the government and its military – or, perhaps, as some would say, the military and its government. No date has been set for a third round of peace talks between the administration of State Counsellor Aung San Suu…


Will the arrest of an ex-FARC chief threaten peace in Colombia?

Bogota, Colombia – The arrest of a former top FARC commander last week has put an already fragile peace deal under further strain, but could help bolster the peace process in the long run, depending on how the charges are carried out, according to analysts. The deal between the left-wing rebel groups Revolutionary Armed Forces…


After Tillerson, is Gulf disaster heading for lengthy ‘cold peace’?

Washington, DC – US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson’s ouster by President Donald Trump and the replacement of CIA Director Mike Pompeo may shift US policy in the Middle East in ways that could prolong the Gulf crisis and raise tensions with Iran, according to US-based analysts. « The Qataris have lost a friend in the administration and that can’t…


Colombia’s ‘unsuitable’ peace in tatters

Back in September 2016, at the 71st United Nations General Assembly, Colombia’s President Juan Manuel Santos triumphantly announced « the end of war in Colombia ». Since 2012, Santos’ government had been negotiating with the Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia (FARC), an armed group that fought the Colombian state for over 50 years. In August 2016, negotiators announced a final agreement…


Syria talks: Would possibly maybe well also Sochi order peace by strategy of unusual tune?

Russian-sponsored diplomatic talks over the future of the Syria are set to begin in the Black Sea resort city of Sochi, but experts predict the summit will merely attempt to enforce a political solution that is in line with the Syrian government’s agenda. The two-day conference – starting on Monday – has been given the…


Trump needs battle, Moon needs peace

South Korean President Moon Jae-in held a very polished press conference on January 10. He confidently laid out his domestic and foreign policy priorities for some 30 minutes. That address was followed by an hour-long exchange with the flock of journalists in attendance. Yet the ease with which the event unfolded belied the difficulty Moon had in addressing questions…