Étiqueté : moves


Turkish Cypriots to reciprocate Greek Cypriot gas moves: minister

A Turkish Cypriot minister has vowed to keep on taking reciprocal steps against what he called unilateral Greek Cypriot moves to explore and exploit gas reserves off Cyprus. « We will continue to monitor the Greek Cypriot actions on the hydrocarbon issue and take balancing moves in order to protect the legitimate rights of the Turkish…


Zuma refuses to quit, calls ANC ousting strikes ‘unfair’

Durban, South Africa – Embattled Jacob Zuma has hit back at calls to step down as South Africa’s president, saying the ruling African National Congress (ANC) had not given him an adequate reason why he should leave office. His comments on Wednesday, his first after weeks of silence, came as the ANC threatened a no-confidence motion if he…


Israel ‘animated with 10 countries’ over embassy strikes

Israel’s deputy foreign minister has said her government is « in contact with at least 10 countries » over the potential relocation of their embassies to Jerusalem. Tzipi Hotovely’s comments on Monday came a day after Guatemala announced plans to move its embassy to Jerusalem, following a similar decision by the US earlier this month which sparked widespread international condemnation…