Étiqueté : Middle


Is France reinventing itself as a kingmaker in the Middle East?

France is pursuing an ambitious foreign policy under President Emmanuel Macron that seeks to restore Paris’ clout and influence in the Middle East, analysts have told Al Jazeera. In what marked a new phase in Macron’s presidency, France joined the United States and the UK on April 14 in dropping 105 bombs on three facilities…


Journalism in cases of wrestle: A Middle East level of view

Telling the human stories from Syria, Yemen, Libya and other conflict areas means a vast number of reporters, citizen journalists and media activists find themselves pushed deeper into the ever-shifting frontlines.  In the Middle East, a day does not pass without a journalist being pursued, censored, harassed, kidnapped, imprisoned or even killed. Last year, at…


One three hundred and sixty five days of Trump: The impact on the Center East

Just over a year ago, the US government earned the wrath of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu after it ignored his demand to veto a UN Security Council resolution condemning Israeli settlements in occupied Palestinian land. Netanyahu summoned the US ambassador in response to the December 2016 vote and made little attempt to disguise his…