Étiqueté : husband’

Sudanese teen sentenced to death for killing husband after rape 0

Sudanese teen sentenced to death for killing husband after rape

Noura Hussein, a 19-year-old Sudanese woman, was sentenced to death by a court for stabbing to death a man she was forced to marry after he raped her. The death penalty for Hussein was confirmed by a judge on Thursday after her husband’s family rejected financial compensation and insisted on retribution. « The husband’s family received…


CAR violence rises: ‘They shot my teens and husband’

Paoua, Central African Republic – When rebels attacked her village, Delphine Lokaingoto was still too weak from childbirth to lift more than one of her children at a time. As she snatched up her four-day-old baby, she told the others – aged three, four and six – to run to the fields. « Some of the…