Étiqueté : growing


Why is India’s wealth inequality increasing so with out observe?

An Oxfam report released on the eve of the World Economic Forum at Davos underscores the dramatic increase in wealth inequality in India in recent years. In 2017 alone, the top 1 percent of the population owned 73 percent of the addition to wealth that occurred. A year ago, the top 1 percent owned 58 percent of…


A historical past of violence: Rising up in CAR

Conflict first touched Arlette and Fane in 2002 when Congolese rebels rampaged through PK12, a community on the outskirts of the Central African Republic’s capital of Bangui. Arlette was shot in the knee, sustaining a painful wound that would not heal for another decade. Fane was conceived when rebels repeatedly raped her mother, Amzine -…


The rising tide of counterfeit recordsdata in India

New Delhi, India – It was early March, 2014, and India was buzzing with activities that often precede a parliamentary election of this magnitude, in the world’s largest democracy. Julian Assange, founder of WikiLeaks, a whistle-blowing website, put out a statement refuting claims of an unlikely endorsement of Narendra Modi, then prime ministerial candidate and the…