Étiqueté : fighters’

De-colonising the tips – a aged Zionist fighter’s creep 0

De-colonising the tips – a aged Zionist fighter’s creep

Seventy years ago, Tikva Honig-Parnass terminated her university classes, ignoring her parents’ advice, and rushed off to join the Palmach, the elite Jewish military force established in the 1940s to help create a Jewish state in historical Palestine. She was 18. Her unit, the Harel Brigade, played its part in depopulating and destroying Palestinian towns…


Erdogan slams US ‘give a bewitch to for Kurdish YPG opponents’

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has slammed the US’ support for Kurdish YPG fighters in northern Syria, warning that Washington’s move to fund the group will impact Ankara’s future decisions towards its NATO ally. « The US decision to give financial support to the YPG … will surely affect the decisions Turkey will take, » Erdogan said on Tuesday.…

Iraqi tribesmen warn ISIL warring parties’ households 0

Iraqi tribesmen warn ISIL warring parties’ households

In Iraq’s western Anbar province, tribesmen starting to rebuild have warned they will take revenge on the families of ISIL fighters if they return. Anbar is the biggest province in Iraq and one of the last places to be freed from ISIL, or the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant group. ISIL, also known as ISIS, swept into…