Étiqueté : failure


US makes an try at regime commerce in Iran are doomed to failure

By choosing Mike Pompeo as his new Secretary of State and John Bolton as National Security Adviser, US President Donald Trump has formed a hawkish anti-Iran team, indicating that he is planning to bypass diplomacy, scrap the Iran nuclear deal and possibly resort to regime change or military action. Trump’s anti-Iran team is backed by…


Russia’s Syria talks in Sochi are destined for failure

Geneva, Astana and now Sochi are cities that most Syrians have never visited, but they have each become synonymous with fraught international discussions on the future of our country. The latest addition to the list, Russia’s coastal Black Sea resort Sochi, adds more complexity to the discussion. Russia has long sought to host a »Syrian National Dialogue Congress” in Sochi to discuss Syria’s future constitution. For myself and many other Syrians, an inclusive national dialogue is indeed a crucial transitioning step towards a lasting and justice-based…


When will the Palestinian management admit failure?

If our strategy failed and our political manoeuvres hit a dead-end, is it not the time we change direction? A month after the United States administration’s announcement on the shift in policy on the status of Jerusalem, also described as the end of the US mediation charade, many Palestinians continue to wonder why the Palestinian…


Syria envoy blames Saudi and UN for peace talks failure

Syria’s chief negotiator has blamed the West, Saudi Arabia and the UN for the failure of the latest round of negotiations to end the country’s civil war. Bashar al-Jaafari said the Syrian opposition – supported by Saudi Arabia – was setting a pre-condition of the removal of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad as part of discussions. As…