Étiqueté : fails

Armenian parliament fails to elect new PM 0

Armenian parliament fails to elect new PM

Armenia’s parliament failed to elect a new prime minister after a special session, held following nearly two weeks of protests against the government. The only candidate for the post of interim prime minister was Nikol Pashinyan, 42, the opposition leader who called for the mass demonstrations. Pashinyan, who led the protests that forced Prime Minister…


Erdogan: Turkey to attain ‘what is foremost’ if Iraq fails in Sinjar

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has said his country’s intelligence chief is set to meet an Iraqi official to discuss an Iraqi military operation in the northern Sinjar region, where Ankara says Kurdish fighters have established a base. Erdogan said on Monday that he was told by the Turkish intelligence that Iraq’s central government were…


Netanyahu: OIC Jerusalem commentary fails to galvanize us

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has rejected a declaration by Muslim leaders that East Jerusalem is the capital of Palestine. In reaction to the declaration by the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) on Wednesday, Netanyahu said that « all these statements fail to impress us ». « The truth will win in the end and many countries will…