Étiqueté : ‘dangerous

Palestinians face explosive bullets, unhealthy gas bombs 0

Palestinians face explosive bullets, unhealthy gas bombs

After he was hit with a bullet shot by Israeli forces during demonstrations in Gaza on April 6, Mohammed al-Zaieem lost so much blood and his left leg was so deformed he feared he wouldn’t survive. His arteries, veins and a large piece of bone were destroyed. His right leg wasn’t spared either as the…


‘Memogate’ and Trump’s unpleasant paranoia

Washington, DC, is a city of memos. The entire town runs on memos produced by the massive US government bureaucracy on everything from internal reforms at the State Department to debates about personnel in the White House. Indeed, this is how the sausage is made; without the paper pushers on both ends of Pennsylvania Avenue,…


Trump: Unhealthy on fable of he’s efficient

The political establishment in the US has classified him as an aberration, a coincidence of unfortunate circumstances, and a political phenomenon, certainly a nuisance and maybe even a scary, unpredictable man. They do so because Donald Trump is not and does not want to be « one of them ». In fact, he campaigned on the elite’s…


Fabricate now no longer fall for Netanyahu’s unhealthy distraction

Donald Trump’s Jerusalem decision revived an interest in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, after seven years of Arab revolutions and armed conflicts taking centre-stage. There is something about the Palestinian people’s predicament that still deeply moves Arab hearts and minds, as well as global supporters of justice. As Palestinian-American historian Rashid Khalidi wrote, « whatever Arab dictators and absolute…


Arab League condemns US dawdle as ‘unsafe and unlawful’

The head of the Arab League has called US President Donald Trump’s decision to recognise Jerusalem as Israel’s capital « dangerous and unacceptable » and a « flagrant attack on a political solution » to the Israeli- Palestinian conflict.  The statement by Ahmed Aboul-Gheit, the regional bloc’s secretary-general, came at the start of an emergency meeting of foreign ministers…