Étiqueté : Cypriots’


Greek Cypriot election, as seen by Turkish Cypriots

Nicosia, Cyprus – Cypriots are voting on Sunday in the second round of a tight presidential election that might determine whether peace talks to end four decades of division on the ethnically split island will resume later this year. Incumbent President Nicos Anastasiades, a conservative who came first on January 28 with 35.5 percent, will…


Turkey casts shadow over Turkish Cypriots’ vote

The Turkish Republic or Northern Cyprus (TRNC) will head to the polls on Sunday, in a parliamentary election that has failed to stir enthusiasm among a largely disillusioned electorate. Elections in the internationally unrecognised entity are typically dominated by the long-running dispute of Cyprus, a Mediterranean island split between Turkish Cypriots in the north and Greek…