Étiqueté : abuse


Zimbabwe tobacco farms: Baby labour, abuse rife, HRW says

Malpractice in Zimbabwe’s tobacco growing industry is rampant, an international human rights organisation has reported after an investigation. In a report launched in the Zimbabwean capital, Harare, on Thursday, Human Rights Watch said cases of child labour, worker exploitation and low pay are rife on the farms around the Southern African country. Farm workers, the…


HRW urges Saudi Arabia to probe Ritz Carlton abuse claims

A human rights monitor has called on Saudi Arabia to immediately investigate the claims that authorities physically mistreated prominent people detained last year and hold those responsible to account. The US-based Human Rights Watch statement on Wednesday referred to detainees, including princes, businessmen, and former and current government officials, held late last year. « The alleged…


Hussain Khanwala: Village scarred by child abuse scandal

Hussain Khanwala, Punjab – The brick lanes of Hussain Khanwala are narrow and dark. Three years ago, the largest child abuse scandal in Pakistan’s history shattered this rural Punjabi village, home to a poor farming community. It is fewer than 20km from where seven-year-old Zainab Ansari was raped and murdered in January. Little more than…


‘It’s now not if truth be told straightforward to reveal about child sex abuse in India’

New Delhi, India – Shaista Shamin remembers the day she slapped the man who touched her inappropriately. The 17-year-old lives in the Tiljala slum of Kolkata and had previously survived sexual assaults. But on this occasion, she stood up against her attacker. « When I was very young, I couldn’t understand what was happening so I…


Zainab’s rape, execute sparks child sexual abuse debate

A minor girl’s rape and murder earlier this month has sent a shock wave across Pakistan. The incident has drawn a wide public outcry, with many celebrities openly talking against child sexual abuse in the South Asian nation. Zainab Fatima Ameen, a seven-year-old girl from the city of Kasur in central Punjab, was found dead…


Chile: Pope arrives to protests over intercourse abuse scandal

Pope Francis has arrived in Chile for the first leg of his Latin American papal tour, with protests over alleged sexual abuse within the Catholic Church marking his visit. Demonstrations are expected to take place throughout the capital, Santiago, on Tuesday, where the pope is scheduled to conduct an open-air mass at 13:30 GMT. More than…


Crisis of religion in Chile as pope visits amid sexual abuse scandal

Santiago, Chile – The last time a pope visited Chile was in 1987, when the then staunchly Catholic South American country was in the midst of military rule. Even communists embraced John Paul II, because of the Chilean Church’s outspoken defence of human rights. But 31 years on, the arrival of the first Latin American…


Nigeria flying voters from Libya amid ‘endemic’ abuse

Nigeria is flying out thousands of its citizens from Libya who face grave abuses such as rape and slavery as they attempt to reach Europe through the war-torn North African nation. Large numbers of Nigerians have been trapped in Libya where they were trying to cross to Italy by sea, but were stopped by local…