RANKED: The 29 richest countries on the planet


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Taipei One zero one TowerSean Pavone / iStockMeasurement would now not persistently mean wealth by map of the enviornment’s richest countries, in maintaining with data printed in April by the World Monetary Fund.

Twice a Twelve months the IMF releases a immense dump of data about the industrial vitality of the enviornment’s international locations, with nefarious domestic product (GDP) per capita a key statistic. The IMF ranks the enviornment’s countries in maintaining with their GDP in line with procuring vitality parity (PPP) per capita.

The PPP takes into memoir the relative payment of living and the inflation rates of the countries to check living standards amongst the alternative international locations.

The exiguous countries that dominate the head ten all agree with exiguous populations compared to countries that lead the enviornment purely by map of GDP — such because the US, China, or Germany.

All these exiguous international locations carefully rely on immigrant workers who in overall invent no longer live in the nation they’re working in or are no longer granted resident situation, and are therefore no longer counted in the GDP per capita calculations.

Now we agree with included all of the countries with a GDP per capita higher than $forty five,000 per Twelve months. Take a look at them out below.

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