Archive du mois : février 2018


The two-command reply is tranquil the utterly recreation in town

US President Donald Trump’s announcement on December 6 last year of his decision to recognise Jerusalem as the capital of Israel was a real shock not only for Palestinians but also for the international community as a whole. For many people, this decision was the final nail in the coffin for the two-state solution. But even before Trump’s controversial…


Real travels (in case you are wisely off and Western)

« Frankly, I personally was tired of explaining the difference between a travel warning and a travel alert, » complained the seemingly exasperated US State Department official given the task of explaining the State Department’s new ratings system. The system released recently ranks countries from 1 to 4 based on their safety for American travellers. The new…


Hacker drangen in deutsches Regierungsnetz ein

Ausländische Hacker sind in das bislang als sicher geltende Datennetzwerk des Bundes und der Sicherheitsbehörden eingedrungen. Cyberspione der russischen Gruppe „APT28“ hätten erfolgreich das deutsche Außen- und das Verteidigungsministerium angegriffen, hieß es am Mittwoch in Sicherheitskreisen. Es sei Schadsoftware eingeschleust worden, die Angreifer hätten auch Daten erbeutet. Die Attacke sei von deutschen Sicherheitsbehörden im Dezember…


The Father Of A Parkland Scholar Admitted He Altered An E mail From CNN

The father of a Parkland shooting survivor, who accused CNN of demanding his child read a scripted question about gun control, has admitted he removed words from an email exchange with CNN that he’d sent to media outlets to prove his case. « There was nothing malicious behind it,” Glenn Haab, the father of 17-year-old Colton…


Michaelia Cash compelled to withdraw risk to indicate rumours about girls folk in Shorten’s web philosophize of enterprise

Updated February 28, 2018 18:35:30 Video: Michaelia Cash threatens to reveal rumours about Bill Shorten’s female staffers at Senate Estimates hearing. (Photo: AAP) (ABC News) Related Story: After weeks of pressure, Joyce falls on his sword Related Story: Cash admits staffer told media about federal police raids on AWU offices Jobs Minister Michaelia Cash has…


Violence divides CAR alongside Christian-Muslim traces

Bria, Central African Republic – Ibrahim Alawad, a « general » in a Central African armed group, is a portly man. He walks with a limp and carries a pistol tucked in the back of his trousers. He has an easy smile and charisma that can easily draw you in. His limp, Alawad tells us, is from…


Chris Broussard on LeBron turning into 1st participant in NBA ancient previous with 30K parts, 8K boards and 8K assists (VIDEO)

– We have never seen anybody like him. Whether you think he’s the greatest ever, I’ve got him number two, I know you– you think you’ve got him number one, or something like that. But he– we’ve never seen a player like him. They say the mixture of Magic and Michael, and that really is…


Afghan president offers to recognise the Taliban

Afghan President Ashraf Ghani has offered to recognise the Taliban as a legitimate political group, as part of a proposed process he said could lead to talks aimed at ending more than 16 years of war.  Ghani’s offer on Wednesday, made at the start of an international conference aimed at creating a platform for peace…

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